A Travellerspoint blog

Storming the coast of France

Out of the UK and checking out the Normandy landings.

semi-overcast 10 °C
View Kiwi' don't fly on djrkidd's travel map.

The ferry journey was uneventful mainly due to the "quiet" beers my flat mates had for me the night before, so I slept the entire 7 hours it took to cross over to France.
I arrived in Caen (pronouced "carn" for all you non speakers ) at 7am and managed to find myself a lovely 1 star hotel in the middle of town for a heafty fee of 29€. For this money I got a room 2 by 2.5m a sink that wouldn´t empty, a shared bath room in the hall and a good case of bed bugs mainly due to the fact the sheets had not been washed for god knows how long.

So with my best French in tow I managed to get the right bus out to the Caen Memorial. This is the bees knees when it comes to museums on the D Day landings.

From Caen I went out and check out the artificial harbours that the allied towed over from England which was the key to the invasion. That meant that they could land anywhere along the coast. The British one is still visible 60 years later which is quite an engineering feat.

The American cemetery is on land above Omaha beach, ( the beach where the Americans lost over 3000 soldiers during the first wave of the invasion.) This cemetery is actually American soil gifted by the French it is immaculate. Over 9000 soldiers are buried here.... now that number of lives is hard to put into perspective until you can see row upon row of white crosses in this 70 hectare space.

I looked at other locations where the Gun batteries are still in place. These locations were heavily bombed on the night of the invasion. The bomb craters are still here today and they are huge, 3m deep by about 8m in diameter. The Germans were having a bad day at the office that day.

I am about to head off to Madrid so I have 19 hours of travel to look forward to ya.

I have photos to come but can´t up load them.

Posted by djrkidd 06:28 Archived in France

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It is humbling to visit these war cemetries in Europe, all these men who never got to go home, I remember being so upset at the ages on those crosses, anywhere from 19 to 27, in their thousands, thank God we are born to an age when we can visit and not fight. Lance and Norma Kana, Te Kuiti, send their regards and asked to be remembered to you. Safe journey and Love

by Trish Kidd

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