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The Emerald Isle

St Patrick's Day in Dublin, Shamrocks, Guinness and enjoying the Criac

all seasons in one day 2 °C
View Kiwi' don't fly on djrkidd's travel map.

It really has to been seen to be believed, Dublin on St Patrick's Day is crazy day of partying, national pride and as the Irish like to put just good old craic (fun).

Gary and I flew over on the Saturday morning and meet up with his mate Andy who manages the Foggy Dew one of the many pubs in the Temple Bar area of Dublin. It wasn't long before the first pint of Guinness was poured and the festivities began. The parade was watched and a big night was had by all. Oh yeah my phone had a slight swim in a pint of Guinness and no longer works so emails only from now on team. Other than this and play fighting with random Kiwi’s on the footpaths I managed to keep out of too much trouble.

Sunday was round two with Monday being a bank holiday. First stop was St James gate to have a quick look at where the black stuff comes from and then into a pub in Temple Bar to watch a live band. Then to our surprise it started to snow which could only motivate us to stay put.

Monday began at 7am with a very cloudy head and another one of those dam good byes as I left Gary to sleep off last night fun and games and headed for the ferry port. The Ulysses left on time in heavy snow flurries only to arrive at Hollyhead in Wales and have to circle in the heavy swells off the cost until the winds had dropped enough for the ship to be able to dock. As you can imagine this was just what I needed after a large weekend. This delay snow balled and it was five hours later than planned when I walk through the door in London.


Posted by djrkidd 15:18 Archived in Ireland

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Great that you had guiness and snow.
Hope not too much got tossed before you landed in Wales.

by r.kidd

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