A Travellerspoint blog

Two Years In Two Boxes

Leaving parties, to do lists and last minutes

sunny 14 °C

Sitting on the floor in my room with mixed emotions, everything I own in the world packed into two tea chests ready for the three month sail home. Most people complain about the time it takes to get their possessions home, for me however they will have to wait for five month before I open them again.

Had the leaving dinner two weeks ago, great turn out and in true 4 Hillcrest Rd fashion ended in Karaoke and all weekend bender taking in the Church and my last snake bite at the Red Back Tavern. Thanks to everyone that come, sorry about the whole more people that seats thing.

So this week has been full of the last minutes, sending stuff home, buying the last odds and ends, sorting out work and saying good byes. Have to laugh London still manages to do my head in even after all this time ...... I went to get my watch strap fixed and they told me that they would have to send it away to get a new one at a cost of 25 pounds and a 3 week wait .... Ah situation normal.

Finally cracked Libya and have sorted out my visa .... some guy I got onto over the net will meet me at the border and sort it all out once he has fleeced me of quite a few of my hard won pounds. ..... Hmmmm Meeting up with strangers from the internet isn't that something they worn teenagers about?

So come Saturday my time here is done and it’s on to the next adventure, St Patrick ’s Day in Dublin. To be honest I rate my chance of survival with strangers off the net than with my Irish host Gary and all his mates.

There is so much I will miss about this place, from playing touch at the common to a few "quiets" down at the local but rather than write an emotional testimonial I thought a quick slide how would be better. You know a picture is a 1000 words and what not.


Posted by djrkidd 20:39 Archived in United Kingdom

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