A Travellerspoint blog

Nice is Nice

Bit of R & R in the South of France

sunny 25 °C
View Kiwi' don't fly on djrkidd's travel map.


As the sun came up I finally got a good view of the "beach" man it's not a beach like any I've seen in Oceania it was a flipping quarry. Seriously rocks the size of my fist. So after saying good bye to my Aussie companions from the bus I was soon dodging the usual dog shit on the streets in France and off to find my hostel.


So after getting the low down it was off to Cannes with three Americans that I met in the Hostel to find some sand and try and get rid of that London tan I have developed over the last two years. Cannes is a nice we town but well out of any back packers budget. There were small boutiques everywhere selling Prada all that great back packing attire.


The Swede’s turned up the next day and I had an email invite to meet up as they were going to cook me dinner. Being a true kiwi I can’t pass up a free feed so I was in. After meeting the girls at there hotel we went down to the beach where they cooked up a Pasta meal on a camping stove which we ate with a few beers much to the amusement of passer byes.


So once again I am sitting in the reception of a hostel with no idea where I am going or where I should stay. Then the two American girls from the beach said they where off to Milan.
"Sounds good I'm in" I said and with that walk out and jumped on the next train to Italy.

Posted by djrkidd 04:18 Archived in France

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You are learning - you sent this one airmail didn't you - logged 4th May - received here 10th May. Still I suppose that is better than had you sent it on the 10th May and we received it on the 4th May. That would have been eerie eh? Bloody catastrophe here. The haka team have threatened to go out on strike. Want to know why they are training so hard. Think the bloody cocka2s been acting like galahs and putting ideas in their heads. Went out and got a laptop so that I could take your blogs out onto the "dikk" and show them your hardships. They were inspired. "The place needs to be cleaned up for your arrival" they said. "The garden needs to be cleared of weed". I thought they deserved a blondi blonde or two and went to get some. When I got back they had cut a section out of the middle of my garden hose and stuck it in a coke bottle and stuffed the bottle full of weed out of the garden, set it alight and were acting like dopes. Just cannot trust them to be left alone for 30 minutes. Now I have to get a new garden hose. Still, I thought, let them have their fun I will get them back to their training tomorrow. Enjoy Milan

by Uncle Dunc

Nearly forgot. If you run into Megan Gale in Milan say "Hi from Duncan in Australia" - actually make it more of a "Huuulllloooo there"

by Uncle Dunc

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